AI Healthcare Company

AI-Enabled Growth Engine

Using the power of AI, FactWise Health recovers lost revenue and generates more targeted high-value patients to systematically grow your healthcare group or system.

  • Healthcare Claims Recovery
  • More Targeted Patients
  • Systematic Growth Engine
  • Patient Engagement Platform

More Appointments

Target specific services, procedures, and types of patients to cost effectively scale your practice.

ROI-Based Growth

Proven strategies to systematically scale your business.

Recover Lost Revenue

Recover your hospital’s lost revenue by leveraging our custom AI-driven Analytics Software.

Who We Do?

Healthcare Marketing Services

We have over 20 years of experience in growth strategies that include platform development, content development, and appointment generation. Our ROI-based marketing strategies include search engine optimization, paid search, paid social, content marketing, website development, conversion optimization, and scalable growth strategies.

Recover Lost Revenue

AI-Driven Revenue Recovery

We optimize reimbursement due to billing inconsistencies between the provider and the payer, targeting zero payments and underpayments.

Healthcare Marketing Software
What We Offer

Patient Growth Engine

We create a personalized plan to systematically generate more patient appointments. Our AI-driven SaaS software discovers the opportunities to grow and compiles a detailed action plan on how to fix the problems, fill the gaps, and scale your business.

What We Build

Healthcare Platform Development

We create a marketing strategy that will give you a competitive advantage, allowing you to dominate your market. Our combined SAAS and platform offerings fuel a platform to capture the most amount of patients for your healthcare vertical.

Medical Platform Development
Areas of Focus

Our Industries

Here are some of the industries that we focus we work with.

Who Have We Work With

Our Experience

The best part about the Factwise Growth Engine is that it works on any industry. Here are some of our past companies our team has worked with.