Healthcare Marketing Services

FactWise Health has over 20+ yrs experience in transforming websites to yield a 2-10X growth in new appointments. Our Healthcare Marketing services include:

  • Detail Site Audit
  • Keyword Research
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Website Development
  • Action Plan & Growth Strategy
More Appointments
Higher Appointment Value
Scalable Growth Strategy

Healthcare Website Development

FactWise Health specializes in optimizing healthcare websites to generate a 2-10X growth in patient appointments. Beyond our superior website aesthetics and brand awareness strategies, we perform a comprehensive AI-driven marketing audit. This informs us on the best way to enhance your website and build a foundation for long-term growth using a data-driven action plan.

Healthcare Website Development

More Appointments

The FactWise Growth Engine lets us know specifically how many people in your local areas are searching for the healthcare services you provide. We know how many people are looking for the medical procedures and conditions you offer and treat. This is built into our AI-driven tool to help us make data-driven decisions to generate more patient appointments.


Higher Appointment Value

We believe that you build your practice around the right patients that are looking for the services you provide with a higher average appointment value. Through comprehensive local patient and competitor analyses, our AI-driven SaaS tool recommends a superior strategy to not only generate a greater number of appointments but also with a higher average appointment value.

Higher Appointment Value
Acquire With A Plan

Acquisition Growth Strategy

We help healthcare provider groups make the best decisions when acquiring practices. We position the provider’s new websites to increase rankings, traffic, and appointments, all at a lower cost. Why make acquisitions and hope for the best? Instead, plan for success and pick your acquisitions based on a data-driven 3-10X growth strategy.

Stable Growth

Diversified Growth Strategy

You never want to have all your eggs in one basket. For consistent growth, you want appointments coming from many different sources. We specialize in building different growth strategies so that your practice can weather the ups & downs of a changing industry.

Medical Platform Development