Patient Engagement Platform

The key to consistent and scalable growth is to put together a diversified platform strategy that allows you to adapt to the changing market and cost-effectively target each industry niche. We have spent over 20 years building targeted detailed platforms. Our platform consists of the following features:

  • Targeted Domain Strategy
  • Comprehensive Content Strategy
  • Appointment Scheduler
  • EMR/EHR/PMS Integration
  • Patient Portal
  • Telehealth Software
  • Patient Follow-Ups
  • AI Automation
  • Review Management
  • Real-Time Dashboards

Targeted Domain Strategy

Domains are like virtual real estate – If built properly, they can increase authority, attract targeted traffic, generate strategic partners, and provide a competitive advantage with an increased relevance score. We specialize in finding high-value domains that allow our platforms to generate a strong foundation to scale quickly when it comes to SEO, paid media, and strategic partnerships.

Healthcare Marketing Software
Generate The Right Type Of Appointments

Targeted Landing Pages

Having a great authoritative domain with a bunch of traffic is the first step but it does not guarantee appointments and success. You still have to build a great website to generates targeted traffic that converts into quality appointments. We specialize in building high-quality platforms with targeted landing pages that generate a greater number of high-valued appointments.

Don't Generate Leads, Generate Appointments

Appointment Scheduler

With increased advertising costs, conversion rates are the metric that means the difference between success or failure. Every additional click reduces your conversion rate and Return On Advertising Spend (ROAS). We specialize in landing page development, conversion optimization, and providing an optimized scheduler that generates more targeted appointments.

Follow Up With Purpose

Patient Follow-Up

In today’s world of busy schedules and distractions, it’s not enough to simply schedule an appointment and assume they will show up. We specialize in building an SMS, email, and follow-up reminder system ensuring that your patient remembers the appointments, knows where to go, leaves on time, fills out the forms before they arrive, and knows what to expect before they arrive at the practice.

Less No Shows
Provide Quick & Easy Appointments

TeleHealth Software

To adapt to changing times how healthcare is provided to patients, we also specialize in building telehealth options into all of our healthcare platforms so that you can quickly, easily, and cost-effectively provide a seamless telehealth appointment to all your patients.

Medical Platform Development
No More Manual Work

EMR/EHR/PMS Integration

The key to consistent growth is making it easy for a patient to book an appointment that does not take up more of your team’s time. To accomplish this, your scheduler needs to have a direct integration with EHR/EMR/PMS system. Our platform integrates with 45+ EHR, EMR, and PMS systems.

Do what No Human Can Accomplish

AI-Enabled Automation

Did you know that 450 million searches are made every month in the healthcare industry? That number is not including all of the searches for local doctors, practices, and other healthcare-related terms. This is because including all of those search statistics is hard to verify, cleanse, and sift through all the data. That is why the FactWise growth engine is essential for every practice. Our AI-Enabled software compiles all the data for all searches and competitors in every DMA, city, and nationwide. We verify and analyze the data with Google search intent, search volume, CPC, calls to action, and conversion optimization, to inform a targeted and scalable data-driven growth strategy.

AI Enabled Marketing
Hundreds Of Integrations

Local Reputation Management

Every Google search is personalized and localized so that you get a relevant result for your query. We understand the importance of local reputation management and have integrations with hundreds of listings and over 80 review sites so that you can manage your local reputation for everything on one dashboard.

Make Better Decisions

Real-Time Dashboards

Having the right data at the right time can help you make the right decisions that can impact your practice’s growth and patient’s lives. Our AI compiles all the data, runs trillions of calculations so that we can help you generate targeted appointments at a higher average value. To accomplish this, we have put together a real-time dashboard that allows you to view the most up-to-date data, monitor your progress, and work with us towards a 2-10X growth.

Higher Appointment Value